Mutual Water Company
Established March 1950
Emergency Telephone Number: (805) 764-6071
Notice: Crestview’s Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency’s water pumping allocation is now 686.48 acre-feet per water year, a 4.3% reduction. Based on this reduction, the allocation per share at each billing tier is now 7 units per share, down from 8 units per share, effective December 1, 2024.
Mission Statement:
The Company exists to provide a dependable supply of good quality water at a competitive cost.
Company Information
Crestview Mutual Water Company was incorporated on March 3, 1950, and exists to provide shareholders with a dependable supply of water at a competitive cost. Crestview sells approximately 300 million gallons of water per year to approximately 625 service connections. 70% of water used by shareholders is for outdoor irrigation purposes. In addition to importing water from Metropolitan Water to meet customer demands, Crestview develops and maintains its own wells to reduce water rates. Typically, water is imported from Metropolitan from December through March, and Crestview's wells supply system demands from April through November each year.
Crestview's current wells are Well #4, Well #5 and Treatment Plant, and Well #6.